30 May

Hypnotherapy is a quick and effective way to more easily consider your relationship with food. 

Comfort eating is something that NLP and hypnotherapy work well to address since hypnosis can help you change how you view certain foods, feel full up quicker and kick that feeling of sometimes feeling out of control around sugary or sweet foods.

So, are you an emotional eater? To decide whether you sometimes eat for comfort, just now without thinking too much, answer the following:

Do you often:

= eat more when you’re feeling stressed/ depressed/ anxious/ sad or bored?

= eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re full?

= reward yourself with food?

= feel you can only stop eating when you feel stuffed?

= use food to feel comforted, make you feel safe or feel that food is a friend?

= feel powerless or out of control around food?

if you answered yes to two or more questions, that might mean that at present you are often eating 'emotionally' rather than eating for nutrition and to satisfy simple physical hunger. Don't worry - you're not alone and certainly not unusual. Everyone from time to time eats for comfort and it's easier to kick this that you might think. 

If you would like to hear about our hypnotherapy programme get in touch for more details.

For more details about my general approach, visit:


See also:


Quit Smoking Programme